Tuesday, April 26, 2011

PR Tools

Most of the efforts chapters make in public relations are through forms of print media, primarily newspapers. These are usually the most visible outlets on college campuses, especially school newspapers, and in the local community.


The press release is the most common material provided to media outlets. These documents provide a brief, yet thorough, description of an upcoming activity, whether it is rush or a service project.


There are usually two types of photographs in publicity portrait shots, where people pose for the camera and smile, and candids, where the subjects are doing something.


Case studies which show a good image of the company are shared with the media/ investors, community etc. Books on Making of Asoka, Making of Lagaan, Amitabh Bacchan- A book by Jaya Bachchan EDITORIALS No money, high credibility, however no control over message.
ADVERTORIALS Advertisement + Editorial.

Control over message, pay lesser than an advertisement. It is a strategic tool, but should not be used too often.

INTERVIEWS/FEATURES Meeting journalists.

Here there is lot of room for different interpretations. More often than not, press releases will not be printed verbatim. Even though your media contact will likely rewrite them, possibly including additional quotes or information they research on their own your press releases should be written well enough. However, there are also times that a press release will encourage a reporter to do more, such as conduct a full interview with chapter members or write a feature article on an upcoming project. While doing sponsorships one should try to brand it with the event simultaneously.


A booklet published by the organization which contains the organisations background, its ethics, vision, mission, its past, present and future projects, its USP, etc.Eg: brochure given to new employees to give them a gist of the organisation.


Any poster or calendar used to achieve a public relations objective.


The typewritten or printed text of a speech given to achieve a public relations objective.


ICICI has their internal Newsletters, in which information about the company, its profits, employees etc. is given.


Special events are acts of news development. The ingredients are time, place, people, activities, drama, showmanship; one special event may have many subsidiary events, such as luncheons, banquets, contests, speeches, and many others as part of the build up.


Submitting these articles does not require a media contact. This also gives an opportunity for any member to submit a letter on their chapter for printing in a local or campus newspaper.

One tells about the company, what the company is doing. It is done to influence the stock buyers, analysts, employees and media.


If you believe the image of the company is good i.e. that trustworthy, reliable one, then you can use that as a PR tool. E.X.Aditya Birla Group, Om Kotak Mahindra ad.

Om Kotak doing many seminars. It contacts associations and tells them to give numbers of their members so that they can talk to them. The members are contacted through telephones and asked to attend seminar on General Insurance. In the seminar they talk on General Insurance for 20 minutes and then the next 10 minutes they talk about the company products.Pharma Companies when they do any research say for example, diabetic research, they would launch the product and before or after the launch they would call doctors for a conference to discuss about the research


This one medium has helped transform the whole business of marketing and public relations. In a way, it gives any organization the ability to promote themselves without having to rely solely on other media outlets. Websites and e-mail are the two most common methods to use the Internet for PR purposes.

A chapter website should not only be designed to serve as a resource for members, but it should also present a positive message to nonmembers just "browsing through. Brief descriptions of chapter history, past projects and activities, and long-standing relationships with other organizations may give an outsider a positive impression of the fraternity. Like the newsletter, information for members shouldn't just inform, it should also encourage involvement and develop enthusiasm.


Today, this has become the most common method used for communication between fraternity members. It can also be used to promote a chapter to fellow students and others, but it should be used carefully.


This division includes any audio or audio/visual presentation or program which serves a :Public Relations objective. Audio presentation. Any sound-only program, including telephone hot lines and other recorded messages, radio programs, public service announcements and audio news releases.Audio/Visual Presentation. Any internal or external audio-visual presentation using still illustrations, with or without sound, using one or more projectors. Film Or Video. Any film or video which presents information to an organization's internal audiences.


News is something that interests many people today. From the point of view of THE TIMES OF INDIA, that means the national readers of THE TIMES OF INDIA and the metropolis readers of THE BOMBAY TIMES, etc. From the point of view of THE INDIAN EXPRESS, it means all the people interested in hardcore content and no masala.Every medium has a news standard of its own, and that is the criterion the publicist goes by in attempting to address publicity to the public through that medium;


Special events are acts or news development. The ingredients are time, place, people, activities, drama, and showmanship. One special event may have many subsidiary events, such as luncheons, banquets, contests, speeches, and many others, as part of the build-up. The special event is the coup de maitre of publicity, propaganda, and public relations

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